加拿大歷史 1492-1892

1 尋找中國--發現美洲
2 法國染指新大陸
3 香普蘭和魁北克
4 新法蘭西蓽路藍縷







多謝大家支持,也多謝聯邦前任移民部長Jason Kenney在序言中的鼓勵及支持。



I was honoured when Rita approached me to write the foreword for her new book, Canadian Histories 1492 - 1892. This book is the first of its kind; a book about Canadian history, told from the prospective of Chinese-Canadians, and written in Chinese. Chinese-Canadians make up a significant portion of Canada’s population—1.3 million and growing—and continue to offer meaningful economic and cultural contributions. As Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, I have had the distinct privilege of interacting with this community and meeting dynamic and talented Chinese-Canadian leaders first hand.

Rita’s vast experiences allow her to tell insightful and colourful stories about from a unique Chinese perspective. By chronicling our history—with stories like the discovery of our land by Cartier, the first permanent settlements under Champlain, the fierce battles for our sovereignty during the war of 1812, and the building of the transcontinental railway—she brilliantly illustrates the monumental achievements that connected our great Dominion from coast to coast.

Our history is our foundation; the cornerstone of who we are as Canadians. It is important for all Canadians to be told these stories and reminded of our principles, and so I’m very pleased Rita reaching out to engage the Chinese community. Chinese-Canadians have always contributed to our development, our economy, and our cultural traditions. As Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in June of 2006: “The Canada we know today would not exist were it not for the efforts of the Chinese labourers who began to arrive in the mid-nineteenth century.” Today, they are leading entrepreneurs and business people shaping and driving our economy into the future. Canadian History 1492 - 1892 will help generations of Chinese-Canadians to understand and appreciate our proud history and shared values.

I am certain the Chinese community will find these stories as inspiring and informative as I have, and I am certain it will inspire a new dialogue amongst all Canadians.

Hon. Jason Kenney, PC, MP

Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism


ISBN 0-9877516 

版權所有侵權必究 (如有引述片段,請註明出處)  


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